Will my dog be tired after a day at daycare? And what can I expect when I pick up my pup?
A day at daycare includes a lot of daycare stimulation for dogs! More often than not, dogs go home sleepy and ready to rest from their fun day.
However, not all dogs interact, play and engage in the same way while at daycare. In addition, all dogs have varying energy and endurance levels that can impact how tired or alert they are at the end of a daycare visit. For example, some dogs come in the door and begin to play immediately and are happy to engage in play continuously throughout the day. Some play styles can be very physical and active, and others can be a little more docile. On the other hand, even if very social and well-socialized, some dogs prefer to hang out, ‘visit’, but take a more relaxed approach to socializing while at daycare. Some dogs who regularly receive a constant and large amount of exercise also have a lot of endurance – meaning that even if they have played throughout the day, there is still energy for them to burn once they go home.
Other factors, like length of their daycare visit, contribute to a dogs’ level of energy when they leave daycare. Generally, a Full Day is more stimulating and tiring than a Half Day or Drop n’ Shop. In addition, dogs love their humans and even if they have been dozing in the daycare before pick-up, they get a case of the “crazies” once they see their beloved humans. This is why you might also notice a burst of energy when your canine friend comes home to the family or their ‘space’ – they are simply happy and excited!
One additional factor that may contribute to your dog’s energy level once at home is what their “daycare routine” is like. While at daycare, staff engage with dogs and are always giving them little tasks or reminders in manners (everyone must do a sit-stay whenever going out to the outdoor space). However, staff do not interrupt/stop dogs from resting, nor do staff encourage the dogs to get ‘worked up’. Staff are there to provide safety, supervision, and correction when appropriate.
Dogs needing to burn off extra energy might enjoy any one of our Activity Add-Ons!
It is good to keep in mind that the focus of daycare is not simply to exhaust your dog. It is to provide them a safe and comfortable place for healthy interaction and safe play, as well as physical and mental stimulation.
If your dog is one who comes home extra tired, it is good to keep out plenty of water for them, even if they decide to pass on it at first.
When you come to get your pup from their day of play there is a few things you may notice that are totally normal and of no concern.
- Still excited and full of energy when you pick them up: This one is always short lived. Even after a full day of exercise your dog will be very, very tired from play, the stimulation of socializing, and the outdoor exercise! However, it’s normal if your pup displays excitement and energy when they see you!
- Minor scratches/nicks: Small scratches can occur even when it’s from safe, happy play interaction. Minor scratches and scrapes can occur through these happy play interactions from nails, teeth or paws. Think of those times, when your pup is super excited and jumps up on your legs, and they accidently scratch you. The same holds true in the daycare. The safety of dogs is our first priority. That’s why play is always supervised and play interactions are regularly broken up so no play gets too rough. Our staff is also Pet First Aid Certified to ensure the health and safety of each dog.
- Very thirsty when getting home: We always ensure dogs have access to plenty water at all times, inside, and outside. However, since daycare is an exciting environment sometimes dogs ‘forget’ to drink enough and may be very thirsty when they arrive home.